Confucius Institute at University of Hull
Confucius Institute at the University of Hull is co-founded by Tianjin Normal University, PRC and the University of Hull, UK. The contract was signed in January 2016 and then CI at the University of Hull started operation. CI at the University of Hull has Professor Phil Gilmartin, Pro-Vice-Chancellor (International) of the University of Hull, as its UK Chair of CI Board and Zhong Yinghua, President of Tianjin Normal University, as its Chinese Chair of CI Board. Hilary Layton and Chen Zhijie are its director and co-director respectively. CI at the University of Hull not only undertakes teaching Mandarin courses, but also builds up platforms for learners through Chinese Film Club, Singing Club and Chinese Hour. It also develops featured training courses, such as Calligraphy, Chinese Character Writing and “Chinese Language and Culture Day” and the regular CI interest courses for different levels of the beginners, the intermediate and the advanced. CI at the University of Hull starts from the innovative learning method that suits the local development and interdisciplinary complementation, which is taken as the starting point of developing teacher training and demonstrative teaching pattern in Hull and further the East Riding of Yorkshire.


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    53 Salmon Grove, the Confucius Institute at the University of Hull

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    HU6 7SZ



Distinctive and Key Programs

      Chinese Whisper
      The Chinese Whispers Concert is another positive outcome of our award-winning project(Higher Education Academy-CollaborativeAward for Teaching Excellence 2016).The project aimed at developing an understanding of language learning through music. It started as a collaborative project involving academics from two disciplines (music and languages),diverse cultural backgrounds, various professions (choir master, composers, music conductors, teacher trainers and technicians), and different stages of the educational journey (students, teachers, lecturers and professors) .It is now extended to include schools as well as other musicians and linguists outside the academic community.
    地址: 中国北京市海淀区学院路15号
    电话: 86-10-63240618
    传真: 86-10-63240616
    邮编: 100083