2022年10月18日,达卡大学孔子学院中方院长杨惠应邀访问水仙花国际大学“一带一路”研究中心,并与该中心师生座谈。一同前往的还有山度玛丽亚姆-红河孔子课堂的张曦院长和外方执行院长毛大海(Mohiuddin Taher)教授。
杨惠院长一行三人受到了水仙花国际大学“一带一路”研究中心副主任AKM Mohsin博士和该中心“中文角”俱乐部同学们的热情接待。在座谈中,孔院一行了解了该中心自2022年5月成立以来在学术研究与交流、文化活动、学生培养等方面开展的工作,双方还就中文教学、联合研究及共同举办文化交流活动等议题进行了积极沟通,达成了初步合作意向。
在结束水仙花国际大学的访问后,当天下午,孔院一行还参观了位于萨瓦尔区的贾汉吉尔纳加尔大学(Jahangirnagar University),与该校学生代表进行了交流,感受到了他们对于学习中文的渴望。
Chinese Director of CI at DU visited DIU Belt and Road Research Center
Dr. Yang Hui, Chinese Director of the Confucius Institute at University of Dhaka, together with Associate Prof. Zhang Xi, Chinese Director of Shanto-Mariam-Honghe Confucius Classroom, and Prof. Mohiuddin Taher visited the Daffodil International University Belt and Road Research Center (DIUBRRC) on October 18, 2022. They had a very good discussion and exchanges on the potential for future cooperation between the two sides.
In the afternoon, they also visited Jahangirnagar University and met several student representatives, to learn about their needs in learning Chinese.