
2023-08-05 21:43:18


水仙花国际大学“一带一路”研究中心主任 Mohammed Masum Iqbal教授和副主任 AKM Mohsin博士及中心师生热烈欢迎孔子学院一行。Masum Iqbal主任对孔子学院(课堂)对活动的支持表示衷心感谢。他表示,水仙花国际大学“一带一路”研究中心致力于与中国和中孟关系相关的学术研究、文化交流和人才培养,“中国角”是推动中孟文化交流的重要平台,希望借助这一平台加强与孔子学院的交流与合作。达卡大学孔子学院中方院长杨惠对于水仙花国际大学“一带一路”研究中心成立以来,克服疫情困难,一直努力开展各项学术和文化交流活动表示赞赏,并表示达卡孔院将尽力支持该中心在推动中孟语言文化交流、中孟相互理解和中孟友谊方面的努力。




Teachers of CI at DU attend the "Chinese Corner" held by Daffodil International University

On November 12, 2022, the delegation of Confucius Institute at the University of Dhaka and Shanto-Mariam-Honghe Confucius Classroom was invited to attend the fourth "Chinese Corner" held by Daffodil International University Belt and Road Research Center.

During the event, students from Daffodil International University presented many wonderful programs. They performed Bengali songs, Chinese dance and Bengali dance, traditional fashion shows, and so on. Chinese teachers also prepared some performances for them, including Chinese songs, chopsticks games, and Chinese learning activities. The students enjoy these activities very much.

The Daffodil International University Belt and Road Research Center is the first complete China-based research center in Bangladesh. This center is dedicated to academic research, cultural exchange, and talent training. The establishment of the Chinese Corner is one of the major efforts they have made. Although this is the fourth Chinese Corner, it is the first event with the participation of Chinese in person since the outbreak of Covid-19, and it is of special significance.

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