
2023-08-05 21:58:03

20221023日,受孟加拉国国际务农业技术大学(International University of Business Agriculture and Technology, IUBAT)校长Abdur Rab Miah教授邀请,达卡大学孔子学院中方院长杨惠和公派教师金雨,以及山度玛丽亚姆-红河孔子课堂中方院长张曦和外方执行院长毛大海(Mohiuddin Taher)一同访问了该大学。


访问团一行四人校长Abdur Rab教授、副校长Hamida Adhtar Begum教授、国际项目办公室主任和工商管理学院院长Mozaffar Alam Chowdhur副教授、国际项目办公室副主任Md. Sadekul Islam等人进行了座谈。Abdur Rab校长介绍了该校的办学理念和办学特色,分享了他在中国特别是云南的经历,并该校拟建设的“中国研究中心”与中方代表团进行了交流,表达了希望与中国高校加强交流与合作的愿望。Mozaffar Alam Chowdhury先生介绍了该大学的发展历程与发展现状,并重点介绍了该校国际合作的基本情况。座谈会上,双方就开展中文教学、中国研究学者交流和学生培养等进行了广泛交流,表达了良好的合作意愿。




Chinese Director of CI at DU was invited to visit International University

of Business Agriculture and Technology (IUBAT )

Dr. Yang Hui, the Chinese Director of the Confucius Institute at the University of Dhaka, and Chinese teacher Mr. Jin Yu, together with Associate Prof. Zhang Xi, Chinese Director of Shanto-Mariam-Honghe Confucius Classroom, and Prof. Mohiuddin Taher visited the International University of Business Agriculture and Technology (IUBAT ) on October 23, 2022.

The Chancellor of IUBAT Prof. Dr. Abdur Rab Miah, Vice Chancellor Prof. Hamida Adhtar Begum, Director of International Program Office Associate Prof. Mozaffar Alam Chowdhur, and Deputy Director of International Program Office Associate Prof. Md. Sadekul Islam had a meeting with them. They discussed future collaboration in Chinese language teaching, China’s Studies, academic exchanges, and so on.

Address: No. 15 Xueyuan Road, Haidian District, Beijing, China
Tel.: 86-10-63240618
Fax: 86-10-63240616
Zip Code: 100083
Email: info@ci.cn